Embroidered Holiday Hoop Ornament: November 14, 1 PM – 3 PM
Make this 3″ embroidered hoop ornament just in time for the holidays! $25 kit includes:
3″ hoop, embroidery floss, white fabric and backing. Fee includes the virtual class. Learn to make this cute little snow-covered pine tree and birch twig tree using simple embroidery techniques. Several types of trees and finishing techniques will be discussed and demonstrated. Have on hand-sewing kit, embroidery needles and scissors, glue, pencil, rick rack, trim, fun seasonal buttons, beads…
Register to receive your kit and ZOOM login details. [email protected]. Kits will be mailed out prior to class or may be picked up at the gift shop at Hallockville Museum (call ahead 631-298-5292).