Saturday, March 26th, 10 am-1 pm: Production
Aldo Leopold, a renowned early 20th-century ecologist, said that a danger in not owning a farm is supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery. More people are becoming concerned about the food they consume. Is it fresh? Is it safe? Is it healthy? What happens to food that is grown on large farms halfway across the country or in a foreign nation with different restrictions than ours? How many hands touch the food we are about to consume?
In this segment of the series, we’ll explore the history of Long Island agriculture, forces that have shaped local farming, how it has evolved, and where it might be headed. We will discuss some of the provocative ideas explored by Dan Barber in his recent publication The Third Plate as well as Marion Nestle’s classic Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health.
The workshop will conclude with a hands-on component where participants will have the opportunity to start a home garden project.