Turning Back Thyme: A Taste of Hallockville-Preparation (historic)

Ever wonder where all that food in the supermarket comes from and how long it took to get there? How fresh is your fresh produce? Take a journey back in “thyme” and explore Farm-to-Table practices when it was a necessity of daily life Explore techniques from the past and learn how these skills and knowledge […]

Turning Back Thyme: A Taste of Hallockville – Preparation (ethnic & vegetarian)

Saturday, March 12th, 10 am-1 pm: Preparation (ethnic and vegetarian) Long Island has attracted immigrants for centuries, from eastern and western Europe and more recently from Latin America. These people literally enriched the soil and contributed to a rich cultural heritage. Join historian, community gardener and home cook Susan Babkes as she discusses the various […]

Canceled Turning Back Thyme: A Taste of Hallockville – Production

Saturday, March 26th, 10 am-1 pm: Production Aldo Leopold, a renowned early 20th-century ecologist, said that a danger in not owning a farm is supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery. More people are becoming concerned about the food they consume. Is it fresh? Is it safe? Is it healthy? What happens to food that is […]

Turning Back Time: A Taste of Hallockville – Preservation

Hallockville Museum Farm 6038 Sound Avenue, Riverhead, NY, United States

A TASTE OF HALLOCKVILLE: PRESERVATION is a workshop on historic food preservation systems that will engage participants in a hands-on class to learn the basics of home canning. Community gardener, home cook, and educator Susan Babkes will lead a tour of the Museum Farm’s smokehouse, root cellar, canning equipment, and food storage areas, followed by […]

$50 – $65