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Sunday, November 17 at 1 p.m.
Location: Hallock State Park Preserve Community Room (6062 Sound Avenue, Riverhead).
Join us for a presentation by Bill Bleyer, former prizewinning staff writer for Newsday, who will delve into the story of the largest battle of the American Revolution, a defeat that could have spelled the end of the Continental Army in 1776. He will discuss the subsequent British occupation and hardships it caused for Long Island residents until the end of the conflict in 1783. Long Island was the last place occupied by the British during the Revolution.
Free. Space is limited and registration is required.
Register here: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/MQJe0i6jlPkXANuwX6mjZQ?t=1729705375
The Speaker Series is co-hosted by Hallock State Park Preserve and made possible through a grant by Suffolk County.