Look carefully at this enlargement of the photo. We were really up-to-date. We had what you might call a “rainwater collection system.” All the rainwater off the roof went into this drainpipe which emptied into a cistern un-dah the washroom shed. We used that water for all our washing and cooking. We had a well, but the well water had so many minerals in it that it wouldn’t make suds with our home-made soap. Rain water is so nice and soft!
We also had what you people in the 21st century call a “gray water recycling system.” Look at this enlargement of the drain for the kitchen sink, and you’ll see there’s a tub un-dah it. [4] The drain is still there, just around the corner to your right. We collected that precious water for our gardens. Nothing wasted hee-aa on the Hallock farm, not even our waste water!
Speaking of gardens, won’t you join us now in our flower garden just to your left.