Hello. This is Ella. We just met by the horse bock. Welcome to my old house! I am the youngest daughter of Halsey and Emilie Hallock and was the last family member to live hee-aa in the Homestead. I moved out in 1979, when I was 95 years old, because my kitchen faucet froze. My sister Bessie and I both loved to play music. That’s why Bessie wanted to take this photo of me holding my violin.
I was also good with needle and thread. Back then, we didn’t throw anything away. For instance, instead of throwing old clothes away, we cut them up into little pieces and sewed them into quilts like this one that is still on the bed in the west bedroom of the Homestead. My mother, my sisters and I spent many hours around the quilting frame stitching together all the layers of material that kept us warm at night. Of course, there was no heat in our bedrooms back then.
We also cut old clothes into strips and braided them into rag rugs. Old wool, we cut into really thin strips to make hooked rugs. No indeed, we never wasted a thing!
I quilted all my life. In my latter years I joined the Sound Avenue Quilters. We gathered weekly to work on quilts old and new. What fun we had working together around the old quilting frame.
Now meet me again back by the side door of the Homestead. You know, back then family and friends always came to the side door, never the front door.