Guten tag. This is Josephina Hübel. In 1884, I came here with my husband Joseph to work for the Hallocks. We were newly married and just off the boat from Bohemia – what is now known as the Czech Republic.
We were amazed to see that the Hallocks were just like us. They never let anything go to waste. Everything they used again, just like we did in the old country – even their old buildings. When Halsey Hallock was ready marry his first wife Marietta Terry, the Homestead had a small west wing. It was probably the oldest part of the house. His parents wanted a bigger west wing for Halsey and Marietta – they wanted space for lots of grandchildren, you know – but they didn’t demolish that little wing. Instead they moved it to the back to make way for new construction on the side. There was a small shed in the way there, but they didn’t demolish that either. Instead, they moved it off and used it as a chicken coop.
In 1873 when the family needed a room for hired help, so they raised the roof on that back wing and added the fancy Gothic dormer you see there today.
How fondly I remember that little room under the dormer. It was the first place Joseph and I ever lived. We were such love birds.! I understand it is still called their “Bohemian Room” in our honor.
We only stayed with the Hallocks for a year before going to join some other immigrants from Bohemia in New York City. Those Hallocks, they never threw anything away. They always figured out a way to modify and reuse it to suit their needs!
Now go join Miss Ella. She is playing her violin on the front porch of the Homestead.